Saturday, 24 May 2014

Egg-cellent Eban - Cracking down on crime.

This is not so much of a "how-to" post but just a little one about the homework my son was given this term at school. He is only 4 and the theme has been superheroes which he and his fellow classmates have loved.

They have had to come up with their own hero, think of their powers, design their logo and then create the costume. If I am honest I had to hold back on how much I did with this, they specifically stated that firstly we were not allowed to use ready-made costumes (I wouldn't of) and mentioned using towels as capes etc which I am assuming was to put all parents on a level playing field. One parent knocking together a costume with a sewing machine is a little better than someone who shoved pants over the child's trousers and tucked a towel in to the back of their t-shirt. So I didn't go all out with Ebans, left him to do a lot of it.

It consisted of a white t-shirt which had Velcro attached to the shoulders for the cape and the front for the logo he coloured in (so I could remove it and reuse the t-shirt). A pair of black trousers tucked into his wellies, a cape cut out from an old tablecloth I used for craft fairs with a crack drawn on, a mask provided by school and a pair of cardboard wrist bands. I bought some Polystyrene Eggs (Pack of 10) before Easter for a previous dress up day (world book day, he went as the giant from Jack and the Beanstalk), coloured them in and attached them to his belt and one to each wrist. The eggs on the wrist had string attached so he could "shoot" them as that was one of his super powers. They attached to the bracelets again with Velcro. He loved it.

I thought I'd include a photo, just because he was so proud of it.


So there you have it, Egg-cellent Eban.

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